I. Construction issues:
Do I need board approval to remodel my house?
Yes, Any remodeling that will change the exterior of the house must by approved by the board. This includes a change in paint color, or a new fence.
Can I build a fence along the golf course?
Any fence built on the golf course must be approved by the POA board. The board has the right to remove any fence that is not approved.
II. Common Area:
Can I have a swimming party at the pool?
No. Our insurance only covers member and their guests. Property owners may have up to four guests only.
Is there a place in Tierra Santa where I can park my boat, trailer, etc?
No. Tierra Santa does not provide any storage facilities. It is the owner’s responsibility.
III. Neighborhoods
If I live on an alley, can I leave my garbage can on my driveway?
No. All garbage cans must be stored out of public view. Garbage cans along the alley are in view and are unsightly.
How do I get my brush picked up?
The city picks up brush in our area every two weeks. We are scheduled for pick-up on Wed-Fri, June 13-15, June 27-29, Jul 4-6, etc. Pile the brush in the street in front of your own property.
You pay about $10 a month on your water bill for city brush pick-up. If they don’t come, call the city at 968-3181.
What can I do about stray dogs in my neighborhood?
Call the city, 968-3181. It is against the law for dogs to run loose. If it is a neighbor’s dog, let them know that their dog can not run loose.
What can I do about overgrown grass, etc., in someone else’s property?
Contact the POA board. All owners are required to keep their property mowed. In some cases, the owners do not comply; then the board can have the property mowed and billed to the owner.
People park on both sides of the street making it hard to drive through. What can I do about this?
Unless the cars are parked there on a long term basis, they are not illegal. If there is a specific problem area, contact your POA board, and we will ask the owners to help us keep the road clear.
Some four-wheelers are speeding around the neighborhood; they are noisy and dangerous. What can I do to stop them?
This is difficult, as we often don’t know who they are. If they live in Tierra Santa, we can contact the owner, and they can be fined for each occurrence. In any case, they are illegal, and you can call the police.
III. Neighborhoods
What is the phone number of the security guard?
His number is 463-8546.
How do I get a remote for my housekeeper, babysitter, home health nurse, mother-in-law, etc.?
We do not issue gate remotes for anyone who is not an owner. Most services are delivered during the day when the gate is open. If you need to have some one admitted after hours, you must make arrangements with the guard ahead of time.
How do I have guests admitted when I have someone coming for dinner or a party?
Submit a list with the names of your guests to the guard. This must be done each time you want them admitted. If a name is not on a list, you must go to the gate to admit him/her. It cannot be done by phone.
Someone was waiting to follow me in the gate late at night, and the guard was not there. What do I do when that happens?
Call the security guard. ( 463-8546) He is making rounds and will come let you in and keep the other car out. The number is posted on the gate.
III. Neighborhoods
I am way behind on my bill. Do you offer a payment plan?
Yes, we do have payment plans for large overdue bills. Contact the board treasurer.